Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A Mere 15 Minutes... - Feb 6, 2017

. . . to write everything that I have to say. We went all the way to Santo Domingo today to buy fabric for and commission custom suits (for those of us who are heading out before September here in San Pedro). Speaking of which, there is a guy here who makes custom, handmade suits from whatever material you give him for 3800 pesos. I bought all the fabric I need today in under 1000. It is going to be dark grey, with green in the pants pockets and a sweet DR sunset fabric inside the suit jacket. Just over $100 for a custom, hand-tailored suit of any fabric and style of my choosing!! I couldn't pass that up (also apparently he takes forever to do it). We also ate at Denny's today (disappointingly small portions for a ridiculous price tag, but it was still good). Because it's 1.5 hrs of travel from San Pedro to Santo Domingo and another 1.5 back, we basically didn't do anything else today.

Also, this week a guy and his member wife got married on friday, and the husband has a baptismal date for the 25th of this month. I hadn't met him until recently, but he is super cool. He knows a lot and asks many questions. He is our biggest potential baptism this month, but because we basically left the area dead for a week things have been kind of slow. However, the Lord is preparing people out there for us, I know it. There were some former investigators who, out of the blue, came to church on Sunday, so we set some appointments with them. 

HAPPY BIRFFDAY EMU. (His sister is turning 16 this week... I want time to stand still and speed up all at the same time!)

I have indeed meditated somewhat on the subject. (She asked if he had thought about his readiness to marry once he got home.) I have been thinking a lot of home, especially since President already sent me my "final interview prep/you're-going-home" letter. With seven months left? :/ I have come to realize that I won't be able to progress all that much spiritually unless I get married.  It is the next step in my progression (seeing the RMs here is enough to convince me to marry early--they are a bunch of lazy bums). XD

Sorry if I'm missing any other questions--no time left. Love you guys! Take care.
Élder Rowe

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